Imagine you went to a restaurant in a foreign country where you don’t speak the language. Now, imagine you have a shellfish allergy. Fortunately, the menu has pictures of the dishes they offer. To make the waiter understand what you want, you point to the images of various seafood dishes and shake your head while saying “no” to each picture. However, in their culture, shaking your head actually means “yes,” so the waiter misunderstood and thought you wanted all those dishes. The waiter insists that the chef make a special dish combining all those foods just for you.
This is exactly what many people experience when they try to create their own reality. They think they are clearly explaining to the Law of Attraction what they want, but they end up getting what they don’t want.
So, let’s explore three aspects that explain what happens when we make a request using the Law of Attraction, because it’s not our thoughts that attract, but our frequencies that do. Our emotions indicate whether our frequencies align with what we want or not.
Let me explain how to speak the language of the Law of Attraction:
- Thoughts don’t attract; our vibration does.
It’s true that words and thoughts don’t attract, but they are closely connected to what actually does attract—our emotions. Our emotions are strongly linked to our vibrations and energy, which in turn respond to our thoughts.
So, when our thoughts and words are not aligned with the Law of Attraction, the only way to translate our thoughts is by working on our emotions.
Our emotions align our vibrations with what we want or don’t want. If we feel good, we will attract things that reinforce that feeling and make us feel even better. But if we are constantly complaining, we will attract things that make us complain even more.
In short, this means that our emotions equal our energy. The Law of Attraction doesn’t listen to our thoughts; it listens to our energy. By changing our emotions, we change our language with the Law of Attraction and start attracting what we want.
Thirdly, to understand how to change what makes us attract what we want, we must first understand what we’re saying to the Law of Attraction. To do that, we need to identify our emotions first. Sometimes we unconsciously become accustomed to certain emotions and feelings.
For example, people consider stress a normal state. Stress is a negative emotion, but most people ignore this fact because they are used to feeling stressed. For them, it’s not negative but normal. And since the Law of Attraction gives us according to our vibrations, these negative feelings will grow larger to clearly show us that they are not natural feelings.
Sooner or later, we will reach a point where we need to learn how to deal with our negative emotions correctly. Abraham Hicks has given us ways to shift our energy by changing our thoughts to those that make us feel better.
When we use this process, we are deliberately choosing different thoughts to change and improve our emotions. This is why “thinking and feeling” is so important, and why we always strive to feel better, even if we can’t feel satisfied at the moment.
In conclusion, it doesn’t matter if the strong emotions you feel are positive or negative. Just like in that foreign restaurant, if we say yes to a certain dish but signal that we don’t want it, we will end up with the dish we desire in the end.
Never forget that the Law of Attraction matches what we focus on and intensify. So, if you feel that the Law of Attraction isn’t giving you what you want, you should pause for a moment and remember whether your emotions are vibrating in alignment with what you want or not.
The way to speak the language of the Law of Attraction is by choosing thoughts that make you feel better. This is why Abraham’s processes are a wonderful way to change our frequencies.
To learn more about the Hawkins Scale and the method of changing your thinking, which will help you attract what you want, sign up for “The Shift” course, available in Arabic and soon in French, on and discover many secrets!