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This session, including its powerful exercises, is the first step towards helping you remember who you truly are, and bringing you closer to the highest and truest version of yourself.

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SKU: SL01 Category:

Each of these sessions will allow you to get the necessary guidance and help with your journey or with the specific problems you have. Especially in the session “The Shift”, which is the first step towards helping you remember who you truly are. The exercises provided for you in it are one of the most powerful pushes for you towards that direction because we are never truly able to remember who we are without healing, cleaning, and facing our culpabilities.

More Details

1- Learning, Knowledge, Perception, and Consciousness, how do we distinguish between them?

2- How do we divide the Stages of Consciousness and classify them as Positive or Negative?

3- Learn the language of the Law of Attraction.

4- Can you measure your feelings, and the feelings of others?

5- What is the feeling of Guilt and what are its signs? How do we notice its forms and effects?

6- Understand the feeling of Guilt and its frequent messages.

7- How do we heal the feeling of Guilt from its root?

Terms & Conditions

Below are a few of the main policies you should know before purchasing this private session:

  • This course does not, by any means, act as an alternative or replacement for any medical treatment, care, diagnosis, or anything related to the field of medicine.
  • This course is strictly accessible for people of ages 16 and above.
  • This course is non-refundable.
  • This course cannot be downloaded, and all its materials are only accessible on the website.
  • You are prohibited from sharing any content found in this course with anyone, including family members and friends.
  • The access to this course will be through a password that expires one year after the purchasing date.

Behind this policy are two universal laws you are urged to keep in mind:

The universal law states the importance of a person spending on what they would like to have and achieve, in order to truly earn, deserve, and appreciate it. And the universal law of cause and effect, which strictly warns against interfering in other people’s experiences, especially in regard to providing them with the information they are not ready to learn. This is why it is important for you to respect yourself, respect others, and respect Nada’s significant trust in you. Otherwise, you are solely responsible for handling the effects of your actions.


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