Every crisis carries within its folds the seed of transformation, rebirth, and expansion, and a leap in consciousness, in addition to allowing the departure of the old and the birth of the new.

– David Hawkins

Our definition of pain has always been positive, from an “eagle eye” perspective that sees everything from a distance and can see the complete picture of any situation, event, or feeling. This was confirmed by Dr. Nada, who said that pain and consciousness are two sides of the same coin. Without pain, we do not evolve and do not experience the emotions that move us from one level to another. Through pain and suffering, we can ascend in consciousness and get closer to the best version of ourselves.

The woman who experiences the feeling of loss when her fiancé leaves her, for example, and suffers for a while, then begins to understand the real reasons behind what happened and seeks to heal her soul and cleanse her past to improve her future and what is to come… This is the greatest proof that without pain, we would not heal.

Therefore, we should not be afraid of experiencing pain or this feeling. Let us welcome it and be grateful for it, knowing and certain that this pain is just a phase. When we overcome it, we have surpassed levels of consciousness to ascend even higher.

Dr. Nada was able to talk about this subject in more detail in her latest course the “Forbidden Knowledge of 2024″ available on the Academy website www.nada741.com