We all receive messages constantly, whether we are aware of them or not. These messages come in various forms, from shocking experiences to strong emotions. But the most significant and valuable messages come from our relationships.

The messages you receive from your children, your partners, your friends, or anyone else are like a big invitation and a crucial necessity to sit down with yourself. It’s a chance to look deep within and reveal what you’ve been hiding from yourself.

In this blog, we’ll delve into your relationship with your parents, regardless of their nature – whether they are conscious, strict, absent, diligent parents, or any other type.

Based on Professor Nada’s experience, many people have issues with their parents, and this is no mere coincidence. The most important secret you should always keep in mind is that your father represents your identity, and your mother represents your personality. They clarify your true character and behavior.

Usually, parents are always present in your life, just like your shadows; that’s precisely who they are, your life’s shadow, constantly reflecting your identity.

The main reason people struggle with their parents is that we’re continually changing, and the universe always pushes us towards growth!

So when you argue with your parents, you’re actually fighting a version of yourself that needs to change.

To make it easier for you to understand, here’s a story:

Once, there was a girl who always wanted everything to be perfect. If one thing didn’t go as planned, she’d lose her mind! She constantly blamed herself for everything that happened to her. She had to get the best grades, and if she didn’t, she’d label herself as dumb. She had to be the most creative, and if she wasn’t, she’d think of herself as boring. She had to excel at everything, and if she couldn’t, she’d punish herself with a constant feeling of failure.

This girl never noticed this trait in herself, even though she was doing all of this at the same time. While she was doing all this, her parents were sending her endless messages.


Her mother controlled every aspect of her life, from what she wore to how she talked and where she went. They would constantly argue about these matters.

And her father, the only time he spoke to her was when she made a mistake, and all he did was express his disappointment in her.

Her mother’s message was to show her that the desire to control everything is very wrong. Her father’s message was to show her that constantly blaming yourself and focusing on failure is terrible.

This version of herself was hurting her, but she couldn’t see it. So, her parents mirrored it to her for years, and they showed her exactly how harsh she was on herself!

After a long struggle between this girl and her parents, she realized that there was a deep calling from within her, asking her to change and stop being so hard on herself. She realized, thanks to her parents, that there was a version of herself that needed to change and grow.

And this is precisely why parents are the most influential people in anyone’s life. Because they can show your flaws as they are, without filtering, to help you become the best version of yourself.

Now, try to think about it: What is it that your parents are trying to help you learn?

Our relationships in life are not limited to just parents. There’s your relationship with your life partner, your children, yourself, your femininity, and many other relationships that Professor Nada has talked about in her YouTube series ‘Understand Your Relationships Better.’